Thursday, December 4, 2008

Aimee, if I were a lesbian.

So I bet you're wondering about my title. Most people do, but this goes out to my Aimee.

If I were a Lesbian I'd find us a place to meet!
I'd tell you you were beautiful, and then we'd go eat,
Tomasso's, you're favorite place to get sweets.
Then I'd say everything to make you feel like a treat!

If I were a Lesbian I'd get us a car to the moon,
I'd say it was jealous of you, and you'd swoon.
I'd catch you a falling star around noon,
and we'd show up that dumb dish and the spoon!

If I were a Lesbian we'd make lezbo love,
covered in that good smelling soap called dove,
I can't think of anything else that rhymes with this word,
so just give me a hug and call me a nerd.

Aimee all these things I'd do just for you, even if I wasn't a lesbian, I mean even though I'm not a lesbian I'd do that just for you! Because even though in the past we had bumps and a not so good start, you are one of my favorites, and I'm going to miss you when you go to Chill_ay.
So this is just my way of saying I'm gunna miss you!

And to all you other readers I've confused or disturbed get over yourselves. (You'd do it too.)

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