Monday, December 8, 2008


One of my favorite days in the world was thanksgiving.
Sure I got to see family, and eat twice my body weight in food, but nothing makes me happier than just enjoying the strange things my brother comes up with then spreads on to my cousins.

You know when something you say makes someone else laugh, and then like three minutes later they say it to someone else to seem funny? Well my little brother is awesome, because he is constantly making up so sweet saying to scream in people's faces!
And I'm going to share you this magnificent story!

My brother has been saying it here and there a couple days before the holidays, who knows why...but anyways when the cousins came he said it again and they thought it was hysterical! So by the time the food was ready to be eaten all the male cousins started screaming SPIDERMAN WEBSHOOTER!

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