Hello again to my many empty blog fans!
I'm bored and waiting for my friend to come and get me, she's still on her date so this may take a while.
Anyways I wish to talk to you fine people about buttons. I know my last one was about pennies, but I think that the simple things in life should be mentioned too, they're what we take for granted, not realizing how very important they really are.
Buttons help us get dressed, get to work on time, they give us coffee in the mornings, dispense candy, even help us cook our food without burning it.
They work our DVD players, turn up the heat or air conditioner, they rule.
And I know you're thinking, " hey I don't need those things, I could get on without them, so what's the big deal?" My point is that we could get on without those things, but we're living in some really suckish times, where we depend upon these tiny things to get our lives in gear! I mean if we are grumpy in the mornings we don't say,"sorry I'm so grumpy, I should really try to focus on being positive in the mornings!" then get on with it, we blame our beds and bear our ugly faces all day saying, " I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you better not piss me off today."
So stop for a moment and say, " thank you dear button for existing so I can get dressed today! or thank you candle for providing a certain mood!" Get up and thank every small thing, because you never know if one day they wake up from their hyper sleep and say , "hey I'm not appreciated in this world, even if my role is small I play a roll and should get some credit!" then they go gallivanting off to another planet to assist a less greedy species.
And while you're at it thank a less important person too, someone you don't ever think about, like the garbage man, or the guy at the DMV.
Think about it, your life may be busy or hectic, but why? You made it that way, so one day just take it slow to appreciate the small things in life, because you'll never know when they come back to help........or not.
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