You know, everywhere you look you see pennies. On the street, in your couch, under the rug.
You get the Idea.
Now I see people throw perfectly good pennies on the ground, at their neighbors, into those little penny holders at the grocery store. My question to you is why?
I mean pennies are money as much as a quarter is, just worth a little less is all.
I mean if you took one fat baby and one skinny baby and threw the skinny baby out, how do you think that skinny baby would feel?
Bad. That baby would feel very bad.
Same concept with a penny.
I have a plan to save all unwanted pennies.
You see I have this huge tin I'm filling with pennies, every penny I see I snatch and drop it into my tin O pennies. Because one day the world is going to become ruined, and there will be mayhem and disorder, and money will be scarce. But I'll have the whole world wrapped around my finger because I took the time to pick up a penny. Now I hope pennies will be taken more seriously, because they are my very favorite coin in the world!
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